Stress During the Holidays

As we move into the holidays we think about spending time with our families and loved ones and participating in holiday traditions. But we often find ourselves feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, and emotionally fatigued because of the many things that involve participating in the holiday season. The holidays can become so stressful and hectic that we forget to check in with ourselves and are not cognizant of how much this season impacts our mental health. Here are some tips for holiday stress.

  • Practice mindfulness of the present moment. Turn your attention to what is happening right now as opposed to the future. Notice as you become more and more conscious of your intentions for each day, how the quality of your communications, relationships, and mood shifts. What are some holiday triggers that you may be experiencing? Breathing exercises including the five senses breathing exercise can be helpful in decreasing anxiety and stress and help cope with triggers that may arise during the holiday season.

  • Maintain healthy boundaries with family and friends. Examples include, “I would prefer not to discuss this topic”, “Thank you for the invitation, but I won’t be able to make it this year”. Give yourself permission to focus on yourself without feeling guilt or fear of others' responses.Creating healthy boundaries contributes to healthier relationships with others and creates self-compassion. 

  • Create self-compassion. An American Psychological Association study found that 62% of Americans stress about money during the holidays. It’s very common to stress about what or how you are going to contribute during the holiday season. Prioritize self care. Explore creative ways to gift giving. In addition, creating a budget or spending plan during the holiday season can reduce financial stressors. 

  • Seek support. The holiday season can be a big strain on our mental wellness. Family demands, work demands, and holiday demands in the midst of a pandemic can cause us to feel overwhelmed and burnt out. Reaching out to your community, friend, mentor, and or therapist can make a huge difference.  

We’re here to help you manage stress as you head into the holidays. Schedule your free 15-minute phone consultation with one of our therapists.



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