Counseling and Therapy Services

We offer both in-person and virtual services!

New clients please fill out our intake form.

Individual Therapy

Transcend Counseling Chicago provides therapy for children, adolescents, and adults looking to relieve distress, deepen relationships, find meaning, and understand themselves better. Common concerns we address include:

  • Relationships: parental divorce, breakups, loneliness

  • Emotions: sadness, anxiety, irritability, anger

  • Behaviors: conflict, low motivation, difficulty making changes, “acting out”

Couples Counseling

Good relationships take hard work. All couples occasionally struggle with feeling connected, communicating effectively, and sharing responsibilities. Counseling can help by providing a neutral space to work through differences and develop your  communication and connection. Some areas of focus include:

  • Adjusting to changes: premarital counseling, moving in together, having a baby

  • Navigating relationships: boundaries with in-laws, expectations and needs in polyamorous relationships

  • Balance: boundaries with work, balancing parenting responsibilities

  • Trust and Intimacy

  • Communication

Family Therapy

Changes and challenges in the family affect all of its members. Working together as a family in therapy can create fast, but lasting impact for improved relationships at home. We can help with any number of family concerns, including:

  • Helping children and teens overcome school or leaning challenges

  • Excessive anger, shyness, worry, fear, or sadness

  • Behavior changes, such as regression or acting out

  • Attention and focus difficulties

  • Adjusting to changes in the family

  • Parenting concerns

  • Communication within the family

Psychological Testing 

We will accept new testing clients in early Fall 2024!

Click here for more information.

Transcend Counseling Chicago Mental Health Therapy Lincoln Square Ravenswood 60625