Thinking about Time

Image by @chazhutton

Artist @chazhutton’s depiction of 2020

I thought I had a pretty good grasp on time. Over my four decades on this planet, I have endured spaces where time moved extraordinarily fast, or conversely, extremely slowly. This socially distanced period has been the only spot in my life, however, where time didn’t seem to matter. Every day is a Wednesday, and all of them feel non-descript. 

So, how have I been dealing with these feelings? Well, first off, I’m trying to connect with friends over common interests, in whatever way feels possible. At first, over videoconferencing…and when that got annoying, over the phone. I realized my day is better when I am not only focusing on work, oh, and being safe… I try to schedule different things on different days. This lets me make memories in a way that allows me to mark time effectively. And, I’m trying to be less hard on myself for feeling down at times. We are in the midst of a major societal emergency right now.

These are a few of the ways that we at Transcend are thinking about this time. Come join us and become part of our community. Work with us to meet your goals. We look forward to meeting with you, and, in due time, to seeing you in person.


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