Open Enrollment begins Nov. 1!

It’s that time again to start thinking about your insurance needs. If you purchase your plan through the ACA Marketplace the sign ups begin THIS WEEK for plans to start Jan. 1 2023. There are lots of great tips in this NPR story such as:

  • Sign up soon! Enrollment begins Nov. and must be purchased by Dec. 15, 2022 if you want it to begin Jan 1, 2023. Go to to sign up.

  • Your family may now qualify for subsidies. A new rule helps to expand coverage to some families by allowing new federal subsidies.

  • Preventive care will still be covered everywhere without a copay, but abortion coverage will vary. We all know how important prevention is in keeping you and your family healthy both mentally and physically. 

  • Though some premiums are going up for people who get insurance through their workplace, most people who get subsidies for their ACA health care won’t see a rise in prices.

  • Debts owed to insurers or to the IRS won't stop coverage

  • Give yourself time. There have been some improvements to the site to make comparison shopping easier. Still give yourself some time to check out all your options.

Whether you have open enrollment through the ACA MarketPlace or through your employer, you can always email us before you pick a new plan to make sure your Transcend Counseling sessions are still covered at


Navigating the Path to Mental Wellness: Finding a Therapist


In response to the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade